Friday, June 17, 2011


Scorching sun was burning my back as I was all prep for my beach trip - alone ! It was a lazy Wednesday afternoon where the sun was at its best, I started to regret why have I not have a sun screen lotion in my bag.  The bus came along and as I paid the fare the bus driver stared at me asking where I was going to.  I hesitated for a moment and meekly replied : "errr.. Ain't this bus going to White Pine Beach?" He smiled and hand signaled me to hop on.  To my horror, the bus was totally empty.  Seriously.  Not even a single fly was in it.

Noticing my reaction, the driver told me it has been a quite day for him as well.  Which means there goes my dream of actually seeing chicks sunbathing at the beach.  I sulked and sat down thinking if I even made the right choice of going to beach.  Determined not to let this bring me down, I popped in my headphones and had my favorite playlist on play.  I must admit during the 30 minutes journey I was captivated by the beautiful greenery of Vancouver.  I even spotted a wild deer on the road..

The beach wasn't really the beach I was hoping for.  It was actually an oversized lake with the mountains as a backdrop.  Can't complain't since it was actually somehow unique.  Oh! have I mentioned the water?  It was so beautifully clear.  I swear for a moment I heard it asking me to swim in it which I immediately obliged.  Yeap, I jump right into it.  You know what.. typing doesn't really tell what I experienced so check out the video below. =)


m3 said...

so chai ~

Anonymous said...

the videos' good. the only problem is the talking is way too soft i can hardly hear what u say! n the music is rather loud, so if i increase the volume when u're talking, it'll then give me a sudden shock when u stop talking n the music got loud i dont know if i should put the volume up or down really..
other than that, the videos' really good! =)

Marvin Ng said...

thanks!! appreciate your comment. Will make sure my next video will do just that. =))