It has been over a year I left my blogging life. I do not know what really got into me to night, but here goes....
"you can never connect the dots looking forward, you can only do so when you look behind". Moving forward I have no idea what the future holds and this uncertainty throws me into a state of certain fear and anxiety but every time I told myself so what if you did make a wrong decision. I cant live in the assumption of "what if things do not go well". Would life really be worth living if I took every step all so cautiously and not take risks?
So instead, I will move forward confidently. Making my decisions based on the intend it is a step closer to my dream and let it be. So to the future Marvin, if you are reading this. I understand there are going to be times that you will be down rock bottom, a deal that didn't come through, people bringing you down, you got your heart broken to a million pieces. Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse shit happens. It hurts I know, but I challenge you that you take all these pain and re-align your dream to provide not only for yourself but for your parents and brothers. No longer constrain by the lack of financial support. These pain is here not to stay but will come to past. It may last a minute, an hour, a day, a week and sometimes even a year... but I urge you Marvin that you do not give up because eventually the pain will subside and something else will take it's place.
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