Thursday, September 15, 2011

MNS # ?

time passes by, I find myself falling into deep thoughts..
I tried to take life as it is, being liquid and flowing into shapes of environment,
constantly finding a remedy perhaps a recipe to unlock the deepest mystery known to myself,
it scares me so much that I am actually in control of my life.
there isn't a hand manual to a bountiful meaningful life and amazingly there isn't any available
Numerous people has tried making these manual or handbook to a so called "LIFE" according to their definition and interpretation... but really why follow their footsteps?
Everyone is tailored uniquely.  Everyone has their own aspiration and we humans are made up of a series complex emotions which made us all one of a kind.  So complex that till this very day scientist is still uncovering the mysteries of our brain.  I guess we just have to go with the flow and find our own respective calling and above all have faith in ourselves.  
With this, it brings me back to me another question.  What is your calling?  What is my calling?
having fun is and enjoying life is what I do best.. but in order to make them come true I have to work hard for those paper which we regard to as - money.

Its about time I draft a course of direction.  I am tired of being liquid .. flowing into objects and shapes accordingly.  I have huge dreams.  Its a really expensive dream .. and I intend to make them into reality.  So whats the plan like?  I need an enlightenment .. 
Knowing what you want is easy.  But knowing how to get what you want is a real pain the ass.



Anonymous said...

MNS no longer MNS .

Marvin Ng said...


Anonymous said...

i am sad coz MNS no longer MNS .